🚀 3…2…1….strategy lift off! 🚀

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❓ Are you new(ish) in role, or has there been a recent organisational restructure?

❓Would you and your team/organisation value an aligned and agreed direction, with prioritised tasks and agreed ownership?

❓Does your organisation have a wider strategy that your team needs to feed into?

❓Perhaps there's just a lot going on at the moment, and an external voice to help you shape it all would come in handy?

If you've answered yes (or even, maybe!) to any of the questions above, you're reading the right post!

Akeno have a proven approach to delivering a unified and aligned strategy, or indeed, ratifying an existing strategy, giving you everything you and your team need to drive forward in 3, 2, 1….

3️⃣ days

2️⃣ experts from the Akeno team

1️⃣ strategy for success

And here's what you get as part of that strategy:

✅ A fully documented strategy, broken down into work streams that aligns to the wider organisational strategy (where necessary)

✅ A detailed prioritised task list with agreed target completion dates

✅ Agreed ownership and responsibilities

✅ Measures of success (so you know when the task is achieved)

✅ A means to self-track progress against plan

All of this is achieved in just 3 days: 2 days of workshops, plus a playback session where we hand everything over to accelerate you in the right direction.

Here's what one of our recent clients said about the service:

"To have such a comprehensive, yet clear strategy in such a short time, is a game changer. The team are so energised to get it all delivered now, as it was a combined effort, not something that's being done to them. We couldn't have done it without Akeno."

Availability is limited though, so to book a session, or to find out more, please get in touch with us via operations@akeno.co.uk and we'd be happy to answer any questions.

Are you ready for lift off?
